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HH Street Team is raising money to help

HH Street Team is raising money to help one of our own participate! The last think we heard was BCABPP or Bust!

About dezengo

---------------------------------------- PERSONAL: ---------------------------------------- I am a human, daughter, woman, sister, mother, friend, lover. I have traveled and been stationary. Teacher & student simultaneously. I have lived, loved, laughed, cried, screamed, been alone and had the pleasure of feeling the molecular universal hug from God and the universe and KNOWING I am never alone! As a breast cancer survivor, I was forced to confront the enemy - and to my own amazement, it was ME! Re-evaluation on my entire life began. An introduction and immediate connection on the value of incorporating a Yoga "practice" into daily life schedule. The natural and universal philosophies to seek reconnection with ALL that is GO(o)D occurred subliminally. The healing that began within - led me to feel free to share LOVE to others. From that discovery point I have begun taking my infant steps back into the arms of a "welcoming humanity!"


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Mayan Calendar

The Big DayDecember 21, 2012
Looking forward to creating the shift necessary to manifest the LOVE our world needs to survive!

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